Work-related publications, articles and notes
        - Non-exhaustive list of official publications and not necessarily updated
        The list further excludes single newspaper articles, notes, columns, blogs, and other publications and writings not related to international consultancy and research in HRD related issues


About Thomas Kinch

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2013: European Training Foundation, ETF, Turin
70. Interim Evaluation Report on the Torino Process (co-author)

2013: Armenia
69. Evaluation Report on the Sector Support Programme for Continuation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Reform and Development of an Employment Strategy (co-author)

2013: European Training Foundation, ETF, Turin
ILP-MATCH WP13-40-17
68. Drafting Guide 1 on ETF Working Papers on "Matching supply and demand of skills on the labour markets in transition and development countries"

2011: Ministry of Labour and Social Service, Turkey
67. Final Report from the First Interim Evaluation Report on the Human Resource Development Operational Programme
66. Interim Evaluation Report on the Human Resource Development Operational Programme
    a. Main Interim Evaluation Report
    b. Thematic Report I: Complementarity between RC OP and HRD OP
    c. Thematic Report II: Horizontal Principles

2011: PMU, Egypt
65. Study of International Approaches to Information and Knowledge Management Systems

2010: MCA-Mongolia
64. Labour Market Studies for Mongolia:
    a. PART I: International Benchmark Study for Mongolia
    b. PART II A: Inter-regional Benchmark Study
    c. PART II B: Inter-regional Study: Survey Results
    d. Contributions to Final Report: General Summery of Findings and Recommendations
63. Note on Establishment of a Labour Market Information System in Mongolia
62. Note on Planning and Forecasts in Transition Economies (Technical Supplement to Inception Report)

2009: EC Delegation and E-TVET Council, Jordan
61. Basic Report on Indicators for E-TVET Sector Reform of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
60. Additional note on Human Resource Strategies
59. Additional note on Labour Market Information Systems and LMI

2008: Ministry of Civil Affairs, BiH
58. Drafted Employment Strategy for Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (co-author)
57. Drafted Employment Strategy for Republic Srpska (co-author)
56. Situation Analysis for Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina

2008: AIDCO / Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, Greenland
55. Final Report on Indicators for Monitoring the Greenland Education Programme

54. Methodological Note on Labour Market Intelligence Tools for Higher Education Institutions in Romania (co-author)
53. Labour Market Studies for Romania:
    a. PART I: International Study for Romania
    b. PART II A: Inter-regional Study: International Harmonized Indicators
    c. PART II B: Inter-regional Study: Survey Results
    d. PART III for County of Bucharest-Ilfov
    e. PART III for County of Region Centru
    f. PART III for County of Region Nord-Est
    g. PART III for County of Region Nord-Vest
    h. PART III for County of Region Sud-Est
    i. PART III for County of Region Sud Muntenia
    j. PART III for County of Region Sud-Vest Oltenia
    k. PART III for County of Region Vest
52. Review of tools for Labour Market Monitoring in Romania (Note)
51. From Labour Market Studies to HRD Strategies (Note)
50. Note on Labour Market Analysis for REAP and LEAP update
49. Note on Labour Market Studies in Romania

48. Labour Market Studies for Croatia
    a. PART I: International Study
    b. PART II: Inter-regional Study
    c. PART III for County of Pozega-Slavonia
    d. PART III for County of Slavonski Brod-Posavina
    e. PART III for County of Lika-Senj
    f. PART III for County of Karlovac
47. Manual in Labour Market Analysis for Croatia

04SER01/13/001 (E0466C)
46. Manual in LMI for Republic of Serbia

45. Final Report on the Labour Market Studies
44. Guidelines for REAP and LEAP Update
43. Note on Actions, Targets, and Measures
42. Article on LMI. Newsletter on Labour Market Studies: BULETIN INFORMATIV NA?IONAL TVET (in Romanian), Proiectul Phare TVET RO 2002/ 000-586.

All notes and reports are filed, Home Rule Government internal file system
41. Notat om Behovet for at styrke HRD i Grønland: Uddannelsesinitiativer (Notes on HRD in Greenland: Education (in Danish)), MoF, Greenland, 2004
40. Supplerende notat om Arbejdsmarkedspolitik i Grønland (Additional note on Labour Market Policy in Greenland (in Danish)), MoF, Greenland, 2004
39. Projektbeskrivelse for holdningsdannende informationskampagne for Uddannelsesindsatsen i Grønland (Manual on large scale campaign for boosting education in Greenland (in Danish)), MoF, Greenland, 2004
38. Various notes on Education Policy in Greenland, including notes on Education and the Welfare State in Politisk Økonomisk Beretning 2004 (The Ministry of Finance official paper on Prospects for Economic Policy in Greenland (in Danish)), Greenland Home Rule Gov.
37. Projektbeskrivelse for program for Arbejdsmarkedsreform i Grønland (Prospect for programme on Labour Market and VET-reforms in Greenland (in Danish)) 2002
36. Om arbejdsmarkedspolitiske problemstillinger i Grønland (Factfinding: Challenges for Labour Market Policy in Greenland (in Danish)) , MoF, Greenland, 2002

2000 - 2001: AM•MONITOR / CESRA : Articles (in Danish)
All AM-Monitor articles are published in the Magazine, ISSN 1601-0817
All CESRA research notes: CESRA Internal Research Papers
35. Informationssamfundets konsekvenser for arbejdsmarkedet (1:2) AM•MONITOR 1:2001, pp. 23 - 25
34. Informationssamfundets konsekvenser for arbejdsmarkedet (2:2) AM•MONITOR 2:2001, pp. 24 - 27
33. Statsborgerskab og ledighed i danske NUTS 3-regioner. AM•MONITOR 1:2001, pp. 26 - 30
32. Praktikpladssituationen i danske regioner. AM•MONITOR 2:2001, pp. 7-11
31. TEMA-analyse: International Migration i 2000. AM•MONITOR 2:2001, pp. 11 - 23
30. Opinion: Tiden er inde til at diskutere ledighedsbegrebet. AM•MONITOR 3:2001, pp. 3-5
29. De regionale råds arbejdsmarkedsredegørelser for januar kvartal 2001. AM•MONITOR 3:2001, pp. 24 - 30
28. Opinion: Tager man computeren med i seng? AM•MONITOR 4:2001, p. 2
27. TEMA-analyse: Arbejdskraftens mobilitet i Danmark 2000. AM•MONITOR 4:2001, pp. 17 - 27
26. Undersøgelse af flaskehalse på det danske arbejdsmarked. AM•MONITOR 4:2001, pp. 28-31
25. Den nationale arbejdsmarkedsredegørelse for 1. kvartal 2001. AM•MONITOR 4:2001, pp. 32-35
24. Arbejdsløsheden i januar måned (Baggrundsartikel til AM•MONITOR 3:2001), CESRA Internal Series, published on the web
23. Metodenoter vedr. de regionale arbejdsmarkedsredegørelser (Baggrundsartikel til AM•MONITOR 3:2001), CESRA Internal Series, published on the web
22. Metodenoter vedr. de regionale arbejdsmarkedsredegørelser: 2. Flaskehalsredegørelsen (Baggrundsartikel til AM•MONITOR 3:2001), CESRA Internal Series, published on the web
21. The Consensus Model of European Labour Market Intelligence (12 articles on the basic approach; of which 6 in English). CESRA internal series, published on the web
20. Studies of European approaches to LMI (10 articles on LMI methods used in EU; of which 4 in English), CESRA Internal Series, published on the web
19. Tal os ej til fejl. Om begreber på flygtninge-/indvandrerområdet. Editor’s notes (in Danish) AM•MONITOR 1:2001 p. 32
18. De ikke-offentlige offentlige!? Om kontrol med RAR-medlemmers post. Editor’s notes (in Danish) AM•MONITOR 2:2001, p. 32
17. Kan man pålægge banker en social forståelse? Editor’s notes (in Danish) AM•MONITOR 3:2001, p. 32
16. Pendlere i alle regioner - foren eder! Editor’s notes (in Danish) AM•MONITOR 4:2001, p. 36
15. Social intelligens. Om omkostninger ved hjemmearbejdspladser. Editor’s notes (in Danish) AM•MONITOR 5:2001, pp. 42 - 44

1997 - 2000: Public Employment Service
All notes and reports are filed, internal file system, Danish Labour Authority and PES County of Vejle
14. Prospect for measuring Regional Business Cycles, (drafted) (in Danish) , PES-Vejle, 2000
13. Prospect for estimating regional employment (in Danish) (drafted), PES-Vejle, 2000
12. Prospect for Scenario analysis for the Region of Vejle (drafted) (in Danish) , PES-Vejle, 2000
11. Qualitative Scenarios. Manual. PES-International (in English), 1999
10. Macroeconomic Models. Manual. PES-International (in English), 1999
9. Labour Shortages. Manual. PES-International (in English), 1999
8. Manual for Methods in labour market monitoring (in Danish), PES-Vejle, January 1999
7. Various thematic analysis (in Danish), PES-Vejle

Various research notes, papers and mimeos on labour mobility (in English), Institute of Economics, Odense University, internal series. Notably:
6. Mobility in EU: Social Networks and Cultural Costs (Dissertation, PhD. Completed but not submitted) Partly published as independent Research Papers, Institute of Economics, Odense University, internal series
5. Measuring the cultural costs of Migration: Empirical study on EU NUTS 3 level and Luxembourgian cantons
4. The cultural costs of migration: Theoretical notes
3. Return Migration Behaviour
2. Jonah and the whale: Puerto Rico in US and Portugal in EU - a comparison
1. Matt. 25, 14 – 30: on EU Structural Funds